Kimono is in my Wish-List. Once I've visited Sakura (Japanese Restaurant) Last March & I'm searching for it in Kuwait. If you know any shop in Kuwait Sold this please let me know!
Short Note about Kimono!
Kimono is the traditional Japanese Clothes. Literal meaning Kimono is worn clothes or something ( Ki means Life, and Mono means Goods).
In the current era, Kimono-shaped like the letter T, Long-sleeved coats and collared. Long Kimono made up to the ankle. Women wearing a Kimono-shaped dress, while a man wearing a Kimono-shaped setting. Collar to the right should be under the left collar. Cloth belt, called obi wrapped around the abdomen / waist, and tied at the back. Footwear when wearing a Kimono is Zorties or geta.